Friday, March 2, 2012

My sister is coming!!

In just 2 short days I'll be picking up my 2 favorite CJs in the entire world from the Gdansk airport!  They will be our very first "official" visitors (I've had friends come out and we've met up in different countries, but no one has been brave enough to rough it with us here).  Michael is going to enjoy having another dude from home finally come visit - but his anticipation's got nothin' on the giddiness I feel knowing my little sister will be here in mere hours!

Here is a list of the things I'm most looking forward to doing with my sis...

- girl talk!!  (the act of conversation, not the game from the 80's - though that would be awesome as well)

- taking her to Da Vinci's for tomato soup
- taking her to Thai Thai for coconut milk soup
- taking her to our nautical shack on the sea for fish soup (notice a theme here???)
- going to a spin class with her at our gym
- making breakfast for her in the morning
- going on long runs down by the water - my favorite running partner of all time
- doing some shopping with a FEMALE companion, for once!!
- bringing her to the market and seeing her eye-balls pop out of her head
- watching tons of terrible television
- sleeping in and not feeling like the only worthless human in this city
- taking her to the games
- introducing her to our doormen - they are going to LOVE her!!
- watching her drive our Smart car - should be interesting
- having somebody who wants to borrow my clothes again
- having somebody to borrow clothes from!

Stay tuned - this is going to be the trip of a lifetime for all of us!!

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